In the bustling district of Shibuya of Tokyo, Ito Kiichiro and his family run their family business “Yamato-Budogu Tokyo” since its establishment for
over 80 years with knowledge passed down from generation to generation within the Ito household.

Ito Kiichiro, who himself has learnt his craft from his father, Ito Fumio, explains that the armor trade is an essential part of Kendo, and so is Kendo to his craft.

“It doesn’t matter whether you are a beginner or have already practiced Kendo for many years. To guarantee optimal protection and absolute
freedom of movement, it is important to shape the armor to every person individually.”

Ito Kiichiro is one of the last kendo armor master craftsman and regarded as the eldest in the craft nationwide -
with all his masterpieces made in Japan.

In order to preserve the craft of genuine armour making, Ito Tsuyoshi, Ito Kiichiro's younger brother, has been sharing his knowledge at Kendo
workshops in Germany, Malaysia, and Brunei and frequently welcomes Kendoka from all over the world to his shop in Shibuya.

If you are curious or have questions, please feel free to contact and visit us any time, we are happy to clear any doubt that you may have
as best as we can.


Visitors be advised.

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to us in any way and has violated the Japanese trademark law while operating in an illegal manner
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Only registered legal Japanese business entity is allowed to obtain relevant trademark domain name under ".co.jp" by providing relevant
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